


Lust and love from a spiritual perspective

Lust is not the same as love

Lust is love for life

Is love for the one who carries life

Is love for the one who expresses life so you can see

the mirror of your own expression

Lust is not the same as love

Lust is love for the expression of life you see through the other person

You recognize love inside the other

So you can feel that you are love

In love there is no judgement

Love is

Love will be experienced

love wants to be experienced

In lust

you open your heart fully for the expression of the other human being

If you bump into something you don’t like

the lust stops

the judgement starts

The most of the time it is the judgement you feel about something inside yourself

that is mirrored in the other

Love however is taking care

Is seeing the other at the smallest

At the vulnerable

At the weakness

At the parts that wants to grow

And sometimes love is not doing anything

and let the other one find out how strong they are

by doing it on their own

Love and lust are mixed

and in the end it is all one

As lust is love for life being expressed by the other person

It’s the love that is inside yourself

It’s the love that you are

If you bump into something you don’t like

you don’t want to see

you are rejecting the love

you are rejecting love at the fullest

And then, the love for the Self awakens

The little human that you are

The human with desires, with talents that come from cultures

and all kind of loving things you carry from your family

And then

Compassion awakens

Once you can feel the lust for yourself

The lust for your own body

Then you love the creator inside you


Sexual energy is the start of a creation process

at this planet

Its creating a human

Its creating something new

That exists from the all

That exists from the from the nothing

Receive yourself

Love yourself

Create yourself

And become the human that you want to be

© Leonie Linssen, 3 januari 2023

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