Voor het volgende helingsritueel voor ‘De Man met narcistisch gedrag’, mocht ik onderstaande tekst ontvangen van mijn gidsen. Het is in het bijzonder bedoeld voor de man die zich vooral herkent in de drie volgende emoties: Lol, vreugde en angst.
Mastering your own feelings
In this ritual with the seven sisters of Delight, the main theme is mastering and owning your feelings. What if you never have felt anything else rather than fear, pleasure and fun? And, for that reason, you focus on the pleasure side and do everything to achieve that, no matter what? Your way of communication is manipulative. You know exactly what to say and what to do in order to achieve pleasure and fun and in order to let people obey to your rules – the Rules of Your Life.
It is funny, as you do not realise that there are other emotions than pleasure and fun, as a way to escape from the fear you feel really deep down inside you. The fear of non-existence. The feeling of not being able to be of any value for the world, as deep down inside you feel like a useless toy of the universe and men kind. Was it your fault to start with? No, of course not. Pleasure and fun are the perfect ways to avoid feeling human, being able to connect from heart to heart. You have no idea, as there words have no deeper meaning for you. You never felt the energy as you just focus on how to get pleasure and fun in your life and your sense of humour is something people you play with, admire. It is also the reason that people are willing to forgive you. But are you able to forgive yourself?
Manipulative behaviour and the message for you
Being manipulative also means knowing which role to play in order to let life work for you. But in essence you do not fit into this role model. It was created as a way of surviving and you know so bloody well how to do this as in your childhood there was nobody there for you who tried to understand you, from the heart ánd the soul. Deep down inside you there is still this little vulnerable child and pure soul who desires for a human connection, for an embrace from heart to heart. Somebody who desperately wants to experience something else and different emotions. Feeling emotions yourself in stead of registering them at other people and just Knowing what to do and to say in order to win their hearts and to get what you want.
New ways of responding
After this ritual with the seven sisters of delight, you are able to distinguish yourself from only these three ways of responding to life, and feeling your full body including different kind of emotions. You will need to teach yourself afterwards how to deal with all these emotions, but you will be the quick learner and student, and will be as fast for yourself as what you currently are for others. Don’t give up and just dive into the deepest point of your soul, in order to get the transformation going so you will be able to start a new life, with full awareness of all emotions and experiencing what this brings as added value in human connections. In the end of the day, you will be able to connect your human side to your Devine side and feel the flowers and the sun blossoming in your heart. Just schedule the correct day and time for this ritual and let the 7 sisters of delight help you opening these new portals for you.
Hevasjra – Boeddhistische, Tibettaanse God
About Nevashra: Tantric practices start from the fruit, which means the end-result. The true meaning of Hevajra is one who shows great, everlasting compassion and perfect wisdom. ‘I have gained the Perfect and Complete Enlightenment. My body, speech and mind are those of all the that can be reached. Therefore I am Hevajra. ‘He’ means Joy and embodies great compassion. ‘Vajra’ means ‘indestructible’.
Over het beeld: ‘Je kunt het vergelijken met een dansende Shiva. Het beeld komt uit Cambodja, nu een Boeddhistisch land maar met duidelijke Hinduistische roots. Dit gaat terug naar de 6e eeuw toen Bramaanse priesters met de boot in Cambodja landden. Ze werden adviseurs van de diverse koningen en daardoor kregen Hinduistische Goden een centrale plek in het maatschappelijke leven. Shiva kreeg later 16 armen omdat men hem allerlei superkrachten toedichtte.’
In het ritueel zullen we volgens mijn gidsen werken met de energie van deze God. Heb je interesse in dit ritueel, hier lees je er meer over.
Bel Leonie 06-45550680 voor meer informatie (kantooruren) of mail haar.
In het Hindoeisme wordt Brama, de God met de drie hoofden, gezien als de schepper van het universum. Met twee van zijn handen maakt Brahma bij andere beelden, het handgebaar gebaar van Vitarka. Bij deze mudra vormen de duim en de wijsvinger samen een cirkel die rond is en op reïncarnatie duidt. Het is de cyclus van geboorte, sterven en wedergeboorte. De ervaring leert dat sommige van de Seven Sisters of Delight, in aanloop naar het ritueel, ontdekken dat zij karmisch verbonden zijn met de man van het ritueel, waardoor heling juist door deze groep vrouwen kan plaatsvinden.